Wasafiri über ›this is not about sadness‹

UNRAST VERLAG Pressestimmen Wasafiri über ›this is not about sadness‹

»Popoola’s novella is unique in its ability to indulge the reader in the vernacular richness of London’s immigrant communities, trashing sound together in a way that imitates both intimate conversation and the noise of the city. On the whole the text is relentless in terms of narrative motion. The reader is moved from conversation to conversation, thought to thought, and character to character at pace. Popoola creates a kind of lyrical emulation of the metropolis as multitudinous accents and cultures which reside so closely together begin to bleed into one another, creating the possibility of new understandings and new modes of expression.« – Wasafiri. The magazine of international contemporary writing, Nr. 73, Spring 2013